Essential Blogs

What are the Four C’s of food safety?

Whether you are a professional chef or cooking for family and friends, adhering to good food hygiene practices will ensure the food you serve is not only delicious, but also safe to eat. The four C’s of food safety are widely used in the industry as guidelines to help those

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Which food Poisoning bacteria are commonly found on human skin?

Food poisoning is not pleasant. Fact. It can cause nausea, diarrhoea and vomiting, and may be accompanied by stomach cramps, a high temperature or a feeling of general unwellness. The onset of food poisoning can vary from beginning a few hours after food consumption, to a few days or weeks

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What is cross contamination in food hygiene?

Cross contamination: What is it? How do you prevent it?

‘Cross contamination’. It’s a term flung around in everyday life and one you most probably have heard of before, but what actually is it? What does it mean? And what can you do to stop it from occurring in your own home?

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